A writer should never be nervous about having another professional take a look at his or her work, whether it is a work in progress or a fully edited manuscript. An advanced manuscript critique, also referred to as a professional critique, is an excellent means to obtain invaluable insights and tips that will help a writer strengthen a story. I’m not talking about a paid reviewer where you expect someone to provide rosy statements that might help sell copies of your book. A good professional critique can be critical but should be constructive. It is a way of learning from your peers. I, for one, am glad to have it and really do appreciate this kind of feedback. Many of the larger writer’s conferences offer this opportunity. Sometimes there is a small fee involved as a means of underwriting the expense of the conference. It’s well worth it. You may have to take potluck not knowing whether the person doing the critique is an author or copyeditor or you might be able to select a professional that specializes in your genre. Whether it is your first chapter or first fifty pages, by all means offer it.
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